Connecting Your MetaMask to the FidesInnova Network
Step 1: Install MetaMask
Install MetaMask Extension
Chrome: Go to the Chrome Web Store and search for "MetaMask". Click "Add to Chrome" to install the extension.
Set Up MetaMask
After installation, click the MetaMask icon in your browser toolbar.
Click "Get Started" on the welcome screen.
Choose "Create a Wallet". Follow the prompts to create a new wallet and set a strong password.
Backup your Secret Recovery Phrase by writing it down and storing it in a secure place. Never share this phrase with anyone.
Step 2: Configure MetaMask for FidesInnova Blockchain Network
Open MetaMask
Click on the MetaMask icon in your browser toolbar to open it.
Enter your password to unlock the wallet.
Add a Custom Network
Click on the network dropdown at the top of the MetaMask window (it usually says "Ethereum Mainnet" by default).
Select "+Add Network" at the bottom of the dropdown list.
Enter Network Details
Fill in the required information for your blockchain node:
Network Name:
Chain ID:
Currency Symbol:
Block Explorer URL:
Save the Network
Click "Save" to add FidesInnova network to MetaMask.
Step 3: Switch to FidesInnova Network
Switch Networks
Click on the network dropdown at the top of the MetaMask window.
Select the network you just added from the list. (FidesInnova)
Last updated